European Youth Empowerement - Festivals

European Youth Empowerement - Festivals (EYE-F)





The project will carry out activities tailored to promote citizens' understanding of the EU, promote civil society participation and provide, in particular, platforms for discussing the future of Europe. The project aims to promote a strong European identity and to improve mutual understanding between current members and new EU Member States.
The project discusses European solidarity by involving a younger generation of our communities in the series "Empowering European Youth - Festivals (EYE Festivals)". These festivals are created to enable young Europeans to meet and share their experiences as European citizens, to learn about the current state of Europe and to understand the historical context and the future significance of the Union. The target group and beneficiaries are young people.

Gal turite klausimų?

Gal turite klausimų?

Mūsų adresas:
A. Mickevičiaus g. 37-104,
Kaunas, Lietuva, LT-44244
Darbo valandos:
Pirmadienis - Ketvirtadienis 8:00-17:00
Penktadienis 8:00-15:45
Šeštadienis - Sekmadienis Nedirbame