CIVIC ENGAGEMENT FAIR was held in Kaunas, Lithuania on 14 October, 2015 and took place at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (A. Mickevičiaus g. 37, Kaunas)
Initiated and organised by V-CODE project leading partner - Municipal Training Center at Kaunas University of Technology.
The main purpose of the Civic Engagement Fair was to create a possibility for citizens to learn about different local volunteer initiatives and to invite fair participants to join them as volunteers. The Fair was organised in Kaunas and was a part of a major event “SocHuMen Days” – the annual event of the Faculty engaging students, academic members and city citizens in Faculty activities. Being part of this event it was a possibility to attract more audience. And the purpose was to spread the idea of volunteering at the Faculty, to reveal the impacts of volunteering for a volunteer and for the society, and to encourage Faculty students and academicians to actively involve in volunteering initiatives.
Lithuanian Civic Engagement Fair was held in Kaunas on 14/10/2015 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (A. Mickevičiaus str. 37, Kaunas). The main purpose of the Fair was to create a possibility for citizens to learn about different local volunteer initiatives and to inspire, to create an event at which organisations involving volunteers are able to advertise and market what they do and to engage new volunteers. The aim was also to spread the idea of volunteering at the Faculty, to reveal the impacts and benefits of volunteering for a volunteer and for the society, and to encourage Faculty students and academicians to actively involve in volunteering initiatives. The Fair was organised in Kaunas and was a part of a major event “SocHuMen'ų Dienos” – the annual event of the Faculty engaging students, academic members and City citizens into Faculty activities. Being part of this event it was a possibility to attract more audience.
Kaunas City organisations were invited to present themselves and their initiatives, to share experiences and opportunities for voluntary engagement. Different type organisations took part at this Fair – international and local NGOs, public institutions and organisations, museums, and libraries. The fair provided space and platform for organisations to present themselves, to engage new volunteers and to learn about each other at their stands. Presentations and speeches were made to raise awareness and promote benefits of volunteering, to spread good practice examples and share experiences.
Fair participants represented different segments of the society: volunteering managers, members of different NGOs, members of local communities, students, representatives of local public institutions and citizens. Different type of activities were proposed for the participants, they even had a possibility to do voluntary work donating blood during the event. More than 30 participants expressed their willingness to volunteer in a certain organisation or initiative. There was active involvement of faculty students – future social educators and their university teachers. The Fair provided opportunity to present initiatives and build contacts among voluntary organizations for further joint initiatives. While organising this event project coordinator Municipal Training Centre and Faculty members established new links and partnerships with NGOs, libraries and museums in Kaunas City. A collaboration agreement with a voluntary organisation „Actio Catholica Patria“ (A.C.Patria, – direct involvement of this organisation was a great added-value for other project activities and results.
It is a good start and need to be developed and spread more widely, in cooperation with other faculties of the University, with other Universities, NGOs and public institutions in Kaunas City. To spread this idea across Lithuania and highlight possibilities for university students and school students to spend their time meaningfully. In the context of Lithuania undoubtedly it could be considered as "best practice" as there is no practice yet to promote volunteering at universities at this scale and engage students and academic members in volunteering activities. Information about upcoming event was widely spread through Facebook accounts and events of Municipal Training Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Faculty student representation office, directly during the deanery and department meetings of the Faculty. Also through involved NGOs channels. Event posters were made, programs and flyers were delivered among students and lecturers. Information was published in the student lifestyle magazine “Njuspeipis”. A great job did some university teachers who spread this information visiting other lectures and directly informing students about upcoming event.
PHOTOS from the event >>
PROGRAMME of the event: 13-15 October agenda; 14 October agenda
POSTER of the VOLUNTYEAR initiative >>>
FACEBOOK event of the Fair >>