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Volunteering - Code of Active Citizenship (V-CODE)

With the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union


  • A short movie presenting the project, Europe for Citizens Programme and promoting volunteerism  >>>
  • Recommendations to foster volunteerism in the European Union >>>
  • The project "Volunteering - Code of Active Citizenship (V-CODE)" was funded with the support of the European Union under the programme "Europe for Citizens". Description of the implemented project No. 2014-2696/001-001   >>>

Project coordinator: Municipal Training Center at Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Project partners:

The aim of the project is to build European partnership in order to promote, support and encourage active citizenship and volunteering.

At the same time the project is dedicated to promote democratic and civic participation of citizens in the European level.

The specific objectives are to:

  • increase knowledge and understanding about civic participation, EU citizens’ rights responsibilities, opportunities to engage to European Union policy-making process;
  • encourage citizens to realize their potential and take responsibility for themselves, society and the surrounding environment;
  • implement volunteering initiatives through experiential learning process; 
  • share good practice of active citizenship and volunteering among international project partners. 

Project activities & results:



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Наш адрес:
ул. А. Мицкевичиаус 37-104,
г. Каунас, LT-44244, Литва
Рабочее время:
Понедельник - Четверг 8:00-17:00
Пятница 8:00-15:45
Суббота - Воскресенье Закрыто

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