CIVIC ENGAGEMENT FAIR was held in Lublin, Poland on 17th of November 2015 in the Centre of Culture - Cultural Centre (12 Peowiaków Street)
Initiated and organised by V-CODE project partner Foundation of Social Activity (FAO) and Lublin Municipal Office
There were two panels connected to volunteering – voluntary service during the Fair. In the first part it was focus on social work as a way of getting into job market. There was an offer for volunteers presented (as a part of project „Code to Development”). Moreover, a representative of Lublin Municipal Office presented a conception of Lublin development as a place for work for young people.
The second part was planned as a panel „Corporate volunteering – a duty or a need of self-realization?”. The panelists were representatives of Marshal Office Swietokrzyskie Province, Kielce, Lublin Coal ‘Bogdanka’ Inc., “Happy Childhood “ Foundation and IBM Poland.
Local non-governmental organisations from Lublin had a chance to show their offer for volunteers in different areas of their activity – work with seniors, children and youth, culture, education, sport, animals care or ecology.
Participation at the Fair, which connected three sectors in one place at the same time, was a great occasion to sharing the experiences and ideas about volunteering in business, public administration and non-government organisations. Participants also had a chance to establish contacts in social responsibility area.
The Civic Engagement Fair in Lublin was organised as a part of two projects: „Volunteering – Code of Active Citizenship” – financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, and „Code to Development” – financed by IBM Poland.
PHOTOS from the event >>
INVITATION to the Civic Engagement Fair (pdf) >>
INVITATION to the Civic Engagement Fair (www):;
PROGRAMME of the event >>
POSTER of the event >>